Jamie's Blog

For Better or Worse

Monday, May 21, 2007

The NAU, The Amero and the NAFTA Superhighway.

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.
- Abraham Lincoln

Greetings All and A Big Heads Up,

The wonderful Neo-Con "Joy Boys", (Dick and Boy George, Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Comission, Bildeberg and Carlilye Groups, Goldman Sachs, Israeli interest AIPAC, Presidential Candidates in '08 and many other multi-national private enterprises), who have brought us endless war based on lies and falsified data are furthering their NWO agenda, as stated so purposely in the infamous Principles for a New American Century agreement of 1997, as the 'Ol United States of Ignorant and unaware American's standby and let it happen.

The North American Union game plan for a NWO is in full swing. Roads are being laid in this country and Mexico, ports in Southern Mexico and Kansas City are being built, Memo's of Understanding (Mou's) are being signed (since signing a treaty would require Congressional approval) with Trilateral Parliments being set up and being put into place. You can listen and view an excellent presentation by the CAP of Canada here.

International private enterprises are signing up all over the OneWorld to profit and operate the Neo-Cons grand strategy to blow open the United States borders with Canada and Mexico, flooding the country further with undocumented immigrants and effectively ending the Sovereignty of this country that was established some 230 years ago by our Founding Fathers. In fact, the new immigration bill just proposed would "fast track" the build out of the NAU.

All for profit and power and greed as the goal is bigger profits, global domination and complete destruction of the Sovereignty of this country and our Constitution. The plans state that for each dollar invested, the private enterprises can expect a $5.73 return. That will make any business sit up and take notice, while at the same time destroying the remainder of the middle working class in this country.

That the mainstream media in this country has not reported any of this planned takeover of our country and our Constitution should be of no suprise to us. 80% of all mainstream media is not controlled by just a few mega-multinational companies.

The Unaware are Unaware that they are Unaware.

~ Bo Britz ~

We have been dumbed down and Ipodded into blissful ignorance. Lou Dobbs of CNN is the only anchor reporting on the Neo-NWO NAU agenda, while the very few corporations who own the media today lay in bed with the World dominators.

It does not matter which of the mainstream Presidential candidates get elected in November '08, your vote DOES NOT MATTER ANYMORE, all Congress is complicit in the buildout of the NAU, with the exception a few "outside" memebers like Ron Paul. One only has to look at the actions of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, whose first statement was to say that "Impeachment is Off the Table!".

Whether it be a Republocrat or a Demopublican one only has to look at today's headline screaming that "Bush plans to DOUBLE troops in Iraq by Christmas". We are never leaving, especially since billions of barrels of more oil was found in Iraq and the World's largest embassy is nearing completion.

We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.

~ Thomas Jefferson

The NeoCon's NAU goals, as laid out by the CFR's magazine, are to bring all goods from Asia to three mega ports in the Southern coast of Mexico, where there will also be LNG gas terminals offshore. Then, newly hired, cheap Mexican labor long-haul truck drivers will drive on the newly built NAFTA Superhighway up across the borders of the U.S., with only a "fast pass" type clearance check, drive right through the new NAFTA Super Corridor being built by taking land away from Texans and Oklahomans and arrive in the Sovereign Mexican port of Kansas City (really!) , where the cargo will be offloaded and inspected for the first time since leaving the coasts of Asia.

The Nafta Superhighway will then continue on up into Canada where cheap Asian goods will be delivered across another speed bump of a checkpoint at the Canadian border. Along with the NAU game plan is the issuance of a new North American currency tentatively called the "Amero", which will replace the Canadian Loon, the American Dollar and the Mexican Peso.

The game plan started in earnest in 2001, Robert Pastor, Father of the NAU and member of the Council of Foreign Relations, wrote the definitive blue print book called, "Building a North American Community". From this book has come the CFR's position papers, as well as articles in the WSJ in support and by then Mexican president Fox and other "seeds" of their plans. Though Mr. Pastor tries to defend the right to takeover the continent, his reasons fall absurdly dead to any logic or reason.

I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.

~ General Douglas MacArthur

Our borders will be opened up to all members of the NAU eventually and the immigration of the entire North American continent will begin in earnest. Already Mexican Truckers are entering the U.S., unchecked and unregulated.

Eventually, the goal is to break the backs of the most powerful unions still existing, the Teamsters and Longshoreman Unions, effectively eliminating jobs of all Long Haul Truckers as well as the Longshoremen in the ports of Oakland, Seattle and Long Beach.

The three leaders of Mexico, U.S. and Canada have already met three times in secret, once in each country and hashed out Memo's of Understanding (MOU's), rather than a formal treaty, since it would have been required approval by Congress. They have assigned the North American Task Force to design an implementation strategy for the NAU. Their has also been active involvement with the U.S. government branches of the Secretarie's of State, Commerce and Department of Transportation and many other branches including next weeks North American Parlimentary "Triumvirate" Conference.

This game plan, is stated in a new official government website, SPP.gov. What is not stated is that this NAU plan will effectively end the sovereignty of each country and require a re-write of this nations Constitution, much like which took place in Europe with the creation of the European Union. The spin you will hear, when this news does reach the publics tipping point will be the guidlines proposed in the "Building a North American Community."

The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled

by evil men. ~ Plato

This is why Mr. Bush has never been interested in enforcing our Southern borders and has called the Minutemen on our borders "Vigalante's". This is also probably why we own government are "fast track" building out detention centers in this country (using Mr. Cheney's, Haliburton subsidary, KBR and refurbishing old Japanese WWII internment camps as well as implementing a National REAL ID by May 2008.

When the government fears the People, that is Liberty.

When the People fear the Government, that is tyranny.

~Thomas Jefferson

By eliminating the borders with Mexico and Canada, we will be better able to protect "our interests" in their Oil Reserves, which, along with the Saudi's, are the two largest suppliers of our life blood. We are 5% of the World population, yet guzzle 26% of the World's energy, as China and the rest of the World join our gluttonous ways, just as supplies are Peaking.


The North American Union (NAU), NAFTA Super Corridor and The Amero


The spin you will here next, when this news does reach the publics tipping point will be the guidlines proposed in the "Building a North American Community."

According to the author of "Building a North American Community", Robert Pastor, we are only ONE Crisis away from full implementation of the NAU game plan, like "another Pearl Harbor" as called for by PNAC or another 9.11 attack.

Mr. Bush has also just recently put into his power to name a new Congress by himself, should Congress become incapacitated due to a "Catastrophic" disaster of unspecified nature.


Highlights/Effects of the NAU

We need not be let alone. We need to be really bothered once
in a while. How long is it since your really bothered? About something
important, about something real?
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, 1953

NAU Timelines and Useful Update Sites:


Further Reading:


NAU/NWO Videos;





There Is no Way to Peace
Peace Is the Way

Start somewhere. Do Something. Use what tools and abilities you have available to you. And Be the Change You Wish To See In OUR OneWorld.

A native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he felt. He said 'I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, angry, violent one. The other wolf is the loving, compassionate one.' The grandson asked him, 'Which wolf will win the fightin your heart?'
The grandfather answered: 'The one I feed.' - Native American Story

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The NEO NWO and their Machia-Villian Agenda

To my fellow swimmers:

Here is a river flowing now very fast.

It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid, who will try to hold on to the shore, they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, and keep our heads above water. And I say see who is there with you and celebrate. At this time in history we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves, for the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves. Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. For we are the ones we have been waiting for. --- Hopi Elders Prophesy

Greetings and Heads Up,

Most Americans today are too busy with raising a family, keeping their debt load in check and planning their next vacation to read past the corporate daily newspapers, to study non-Disney history that is not taught in schools, to keep up with the secret deals and the non-reported changes that affect and effect us all.

Then again, when we do learn of U.S. sponsored torture chambers, 230 yr. Bill of Rights being taken down, hundreds of thousands killed for outright lies to War for Oil and billions made in War by the same cronies who are connected at the hip to the White House, we soldier on our daily lives, never to utter a peep in protest, for our lives aren't affected and we don't "feel their pain".....Yet!

How would we know if things are getting exponetially worse for Society and our OneWorld as a whole? How will we know if the government regulators in charge of protecting our sacred environment are actually the one's who will aide in destroying the planet for short term corporate profit and power, since their previous jobs were working for the very business' who are doing the polluting?

And if traditional sources of information have now become owned by a few corporations, whose sole mandate is to make profit for their shareholder's, how will you find out that things have gotten really, really bad for the public in general? Especially the poor and lower middle classes before it is to late and this country becomes a Totalitarian Regime run by Dictator's who have centralized al the power and control and appointed War Czar's in this country?

If you don't know by now, this land of the "Free" is now "owned and soley operated" by the multi-national companies who hide behind glass enclosed coporate law and, at worst, pay minimum fines, for even the most hideous of offenses. Their sole directive is to plan for endless sales growth to the consumer, at all costs no matter what the loss to life or to the MOther Ship herself.

Consider these two facts: 1) It is a corporations sole objective to grow its business for shareholder profit and gain and 2) It is not currently illegal to destroy the planet that sustains us! Shouldn't it be?

You need to look no farther than the Fox news/ White House relationship. The newscaster for Fox News, Tony Snow, becomes the White House spokesman. The Republican debate for '08 is held at the Fox News studios. Harriet Meyers, who was nominated for Supreme Court judge is now found out to be the legal instigator for the political firings of seven U.S. Attorney General's last year.

Using all three branches of our government to infiltrate and influence legislative decision making has now reached the levels where the New World Order's game plan can be executed to perfection, without Congressional checks and balances and without fear of losing their seats to another party, since our only choices are Republocrats and Demopublicans.

One only has to look back at last November '06 elections where the clear mandate by the people was to get out of Iraq immediately. Now, one-half year later, we are nowhere nearer the people's choice. Of course we never will be, because as every Congressman knows, our government, no matter who is elected, has ZERO plans to ever leave Iraq. Even more so because their was just found another 100 Billion barrels of Oil under their grounds recently and since we use 26% of the World's oil and are just 5% of the World population, we feel a great need to protect Our Values, for Our Interests....no matter what, or as Mr. Cheney put it so succintly, "The American lifestyle is NOT negotiable."

What these true "evil doers" are planning next for "We The People" is of grave concern for us all. For six years now, the "Joy Boys", Dick and Boy George, have followed the Master plan to take all the powers they can and Centralize them under the Tarnished White Dome. Why would they go through all the illegal manuevers to get the control and power of usurping the rights of average Joe's like us, if they were not going to use these new power tools in their tool box? Either the Illuminati get their man in the White House in '08 or they simply declare a new 9.11 Disaster, declare Martial Law and suspend elections. They now have the power, the will and the motive and all this country has done over the past two elections is underestimate these takeover tyrants.

That many of the OneWorld populous will need to continue to roll over, play obidient slave and lick the boots of our new Machivellian Master's, while hundred's of thousands die and millions get displaced and impoverished, is part of the Project For A New American Centuries (PNAC) game plan as they move forward, unchecked and unbalanced towards their desired Ne0-New World Order. They, the elite few of both Democratic and Republican cardholders, have been planning this next move for several Presidential terms and now they are ready to play a hand that very few in this country see coming.

That the Neo-NWO (euphininsm "Globalization') have operated the PNAC game plan to perfection for the past several years, even without many of their "Slam Dunk" specialists is evidenced by utterly helpless this country has been to stop them from their stated agenda. Unless the true Republic of We The People in this country decides to rise up and shout
"Ya Basta" and stop this this madness, we are going to be living in a very different world, with a whole new set of rules, dictated by the powers of our elite corporations and their legislative and judicial stooges, whose sole purposes is endless growth to profit and pillage.

Most of the U.S. public thinks these Ne0-cons are stumbling, bumbling screw-ups, when in fact, they are accomplishing everything they have set out to do with such a cunning and ruthless efficency it takes one's breath away. To truly understand the minds of these men, one must enter into the world of men who wish to dominate (and handsomely profit) from man and Mankind, without any regard for the scorched Earth they will leave behind.


This shadow government of advisors to the White House and these Anti-Americanists include private bankers, private equity groups, foreign nationals and non-government orginizations alike including: the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Carliyle Group, American Enterprise Institute, Bilberberg Group, AIPAC of Israel, Goldman Sachs, Presidential candidates like Mr. Giuliani and many private/national companies in other countries who will profit even more sickly as they attempt to put their NWO into action even further.

"[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it's perceptions." -- Henry Kissinger

As this countries economy relies desperately on consumers consuming, and as the dollar enters its inevitable long term decline, the rich, white men in control cannot allow all their "hard earned" bank accounts to lose value due to the inevitable decline of the U.S. dollar. They also cannot allow our massive energy needs to go unfilled, so securing property with two of the largest suppliers of fossil fuel to the U.S makes a lot of sense to these World takeover specialists. They also have a evergrowing problem of border enforcement that is reaching chaos.

have called out and printed their OneWorld domination agenda is arrogant in itself. That the American public has been helpless and cluelessly self-absorbed and Ipodded out of discovery, means that they can and will continue unabated in their stated goal of a NWO in the PNAC Statement. As the lone Superpower we are behaving like adolescent 19 year old male on steriods. Eager and willing to take on anyone that tries to stop US from attaining the 'prizes', we have claimed thru Manifest Destiny for our "non-negotiable lifestyles" by fiat and overthrow since the 1850's.

"I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within." General Douglas MacArthur

Bad King George and his merrymen of thieves are planning another massive Grand Opening on their game to checkmate the OneWorld chessboard.The fact, that this purveresly audicious vision is is
being implemented as this is written, as its commatosic citizen's collectively sleep throught the greatest resource and property land grab, is testimony to the complacent United in Ignorance of America we all live in today.

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination [read that "democracy"] practiced in past centuries."

David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission

And since mainstream media has been "whorporitized", where the one handful control 80% of what we see and read, we do not get stories like this to tell us what is happening to our Sovereignity and rights as citizen's. It is simply not in their business interests to do so....so they don't tell us and we don't demand it.

That the many headed hydra corporation has taken control of everything we do, everything we read and hear is common knowledge. That their plans are for complete domination of a NWO is not. The American public simply refuses to believe that this could be happening in our Republic, by our own White Euro-Man. It is time to wake up and face our music.



As the decline of our Republic continues unabated and the
end of the American Empire begins in earnest, it is truly We The People who are the last defenders of our basic unaleinable Rights as granted to us by our Founding Fathers. We have never seen a true Totalatarian Regime operate IMBY before. That they are using the tatics of the parisitic tapeworm, who secretes the narcissistic phenerom (which literally makes us eat our own insides), combined with the ruthless disregard for all life in classic Machiavellian action, is perverse as much as it is diablitically, insanely, clever.

For the many who do not know of the NWO and their plans for a North American Union (see WTC 7). The seed was planted in earnest in 1997 when the powers in charge today mailed the PNAC Statement of Principles to then President Clinton. Nine years later, they are achieving all they had hoped for and pressing there bets that we, the American people, will continue to roll over, sit and beg to contuine consuming unaware of the major changes they have planned for us all.

In 1997. Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, penned a book entitled
The Grand Chessboard, which the Neo-NWO's took to heart and action. In it, Zbig postelized that, if the United States, as the new lone Superpower, did not establish itself permanently and dominantly in all corners of the World now, while Russia was on its heels and China had yet to gain Superpower, we would be forever fighting the battles of future wars over land and ever more scarce finite resources. NOW was the time to secure the OneWorld.

Simply stated, the NEO-Con Bushites decided that if we don't take it, then someone else will. And, if they don't crush all "competition" with ruthless aggession, the grass will grow up again thru the concrete cracks and you will have to fight the same battles again and again and again.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." --President Woodrow Wilson 1916

From this sick Machia-villian idealogy came the PNAC statement and the Neo-Con quest for a New World Order. The game plan was formulated many Presidential terms ago, yet we are now seeing the full game implementation of the actions of the plan on its own people.

Additionaly, our military budget is equal in sum to all other expenditures in Our OneWorld.
That our biggest profit center in this country today is Military sales to other countries and the fact that we have militray bases in 130/194 country's means that we have the power, as stated in the PNAC agreement, to assert "America's unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles. "


"The Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper."

George W. Bush


They already have! We just don't want to be bothered. We want to believe that the next Dictator of Executive Order that is put in office, in the next election, will make everything all better. It won't and we know it. The system is broken. 90% of All Americans want urgently strong action to mitigate Global Warming, yet nothing is effectively being done as the carbon is ever increasingly being emitted.

The last election was a crystal clear mandate by the majority of the people get out of Iraq, NOW, yet nothing is being done except the playing of lullaby's for US minnions to sleep further by. The top 20% in this country control and own 84% of this countries wealth, while the Bush administration proposes more tax cuts for them. Unfortunately it has always been that way in this country. When our Constitution was written, the top 20%, who all were land owners, were the only ones who could vote, excluding non-property owners, woman, slaves and Native Americans.

They already have! By Presidential Executive Orders, National Security letters, the use of Corporate outsourcing and blatant criminal activity using the CIA, U.S Military, NSA, Homeland Security, Justice Department and the Inspector General's Office.

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves" - Edward R. Murrow

Consider this: One person, and the deputies he alone assigns, has claimed, through Executive Order, without Congressional oversite or discussion, the Totalatarin power. In the last six years alone, the President has made changes allowing him or his minions to:


A native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he felt. He said 'I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, angry, violent one. The other wolf is the loving, compassionate one.' The grandson asked him, 'Which wolf will win the fight>in your heart?' The grandfather answered: 'The one I feed.' - Native American Story

Start somewhere. Do Something. Use what tools and abilities you have available to you. And Be the Change You Wish To See In This OneWorld.

And Peace......Always.


There Is no Way to Peace

Peace Is the Way
